
class pyLBM.Geometry(dico)

Create a geometry that defines the fluid part and the solid part.


dico : a dictionary that contains the following key:value

  • box : a dictionary for the definition of the computed box
  • elements : a list of elements (optional)


The dictionary that defines the box should contains the following key:value
  • x : a list of the bounds in the first direction
  • y : a list of the bounds in the second direction (optional)
  • z : a list of the bounds in the third direction (optional)
  • label : an integer or a list of integers (length twice the number of dimensions) used to label each edge (optional)


see demo/examples/geometry/


dim (int) number of spatial dimensions (1, 2, or 3)
bounds (numpy array) the bounds of the box in each spatial direction
box_label (list of integers) a list of the four labels for the left, right, bottom, top, front, and back edges
list_elem (list of elements) a list that contains each element added or deleted in the box


add_elem(elem) add a solid or a fluid part in the domain
list_of_elements_labels() Get the list of all the labels used in the geometry.
list_of_labels() Get the list of all the labels used in the geometry.
visualize([viewer_app, viewlabel, fluid_color]) plot a view of the geometry