The heat equation in 1D

\[\renewcommand{\DdQq}[2]{{\mathrm D}_{#1}{\mathrm Q}_{#2}} \renewcommand{\drondt}{\partial_t} \renewcommand{\drondx}{\partial_x} \renewcommand{\drondtt}{\partial_{tt}} \renewcommand{\drondxx}{\partial_{xx}} \renewcommand{\drondyy}{\partial_{yy}} \renewcommand{\dx}{\Delta x} \renewcommand{\dt}{\Delta t} \renewcommand{\grandO}{{\mathcal O}} \renewcommand{\density}[2]{\,f_{#1}^{#2}} \renewcommand{\fk}[1]{\density{#1}{\vphantom{\star}}} \renewcommand{\fks}[1]{\density{#1}{\star}} \renewcommand{\moment}[2]{\,m_{#1}^{#2}} \renewcommand{\mk}[1]{\moment{#1}{\vphantom{\star}}} \renewcommand{\mke}[1]{\moment{#1}{e}} \renewcommand{\mks}[1]{\moment{#1}{\star}}\]

In this tutorial, we test a very classical lattice Boltzmann scheme \(\DdQq{1}{3}\) on the heat equation.

The problem reads

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split} \begin{gathered} \drondt u = \mu \drondxx u, \quad t>0, \quad x\in(0,1),\\ u(0) = u(1) = 0, \end{gathered}\end{split}\\where :math:`\mu` is a constant scalar.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The scheme \(\DdQq{1}{3}\)

The numerical simulation of this equation by a lattice Boltzmann scheme consists in the approximatation of the solution on discret points of \((0,1)\) at discret instants.

To simulate this system of equations, we use the \(\DdQq{1}{3}\) scheme given by

  • three velocities \(v_0=0\), \(v_1=1\), and \(v_2=-1\), with associated distribution functions \(\fk{0}\), \(\fk{1}\), and \(\fk{2}\),

  • a space step \(\dx\) and a time step \(\dt\), the ration \(\lambda=\dx/\dt\) is called the scheme velocity,

  • three moments

    \[\mk{0}=\sum_{i=0}^{2} \fk{i}, \quad \mk{1}= \sum_{i=0}^{2} v_i \fk{i}, \quad \mk{2}= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=0}^{2} v_i^2 \fk{i},\]

and their equilibrium values \(\mke{0}\), \(\mke{1}\), and \(\mke{2}\). * two relaxation parameters \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) lying in \([0,2]\).

In order to use the formalism of the package pyLBM, we introduce the three polynomials that define the moments: \(P_0 = 1\), \(P_1=X\), and \(P_2=X^2/2\), such that

\[\mk{k} = \sum_{i=0}^2 P_k(v_i) \fk{i}.\]

The transformation \((\fk{0}, \fk{1}, \fk{2})\mapsto(\mk{0},\mk{1}, \mk{2})\) is invertible if, and only if, the polynomials \((P_0,P_1,P_2)\) is a free set over the stencil of velocities.

The lattice Boltzmann method consists to compute the distribution functions \(\fk{0}\), \(\fk{1}\), and \(\fk{2}\) in each point of the lattice \(x\) and at each time \(t^n=n\dt\). A step of the scheme can be read as a splitting between the relaxation phase and the transport phase:

  • relaxation:

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned}\mks{1}(t,x)&=(1-s_1)\mk{1}(t,x)+s_1\mke{1}(t,x),\\ \mks{2}(t,x)&=(1-s_2)\mk{2}(t,x)+s_2\mke{2}(t,x).\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
  • m2f:

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned}\fks{0}(t,x)&\;=\mk{0}(t,x)-2\mks{2}(t,x), \\ \fks{1}(t,x)&\;=\mks{1}(t,x)/2+\mks{2}(t,x), \\ \fks{2}(t,x)&\;=-\mks{1}(t,x)/2+\mks{2}(t,x).\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
  • transport:

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \fk{0}(t+\dt, x)&\;=\fks{0}(t,x), \\ \fk{1}(t+\dt, x)&\;=\fks{1}(t,x-\dx), \\ \fk{2}(t+\dt, x)&\;=\fks{2}(t,x+\dx). \end{aligned}\end{split}\]
  • f2m:

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned}\mk{0}(t+\dt,x)&\;=\fk{0}(t+\dt,x)+\fk{1}(t+\dt,x)+\fk{2}(t+\dt,x), \\ \mk{1}(t+\dt,x)&\;=\fk{1}(t+\dt,x)-\fk{2}(t+\dt,x), \\ \mk{2}(t+\dt,x)&\;=\tfrac{1}{2}\fk{1}(t+\dt,x)+\tfrac{1}{2}\fk{2}(t+\dt,x).\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The moment of order \(0\), \(\mk{0}\), being conserved during the relaxation phase, a diffusive scaling \(\dt=\dx^2\), yields to the following equivalent equation

\[\drondt\mk{0} = 2\bigl(\tfrac{1}{s_1}-\tfrac{1}{2}\bigr) \drondxx\mke{2} + \grandO(\dx^2),\]

if \(\mke{1}=0\). In order to be consistent with the heat equation, the following choice is done:

\[\mke{2}=\tfrac{1}{2}u, \qquad s_1 = \frac{2}{1+2\mu}, \qquad s_2=1.\]

Using pyLBM

pyLBM uses Python dictionary to describe the simulation. In the following, we will build this dictionary step by step.

The geometry

In pyLBM, the geometry is defined by a box and a label for the boundaries.

Geometry informations
     spatial dimension: 1
     bounds of the box:
[[ 0.  1.]]

The stencil

pyLBM provides a class stencil that is used to define the discret velocities of the scheme. In this example, the stencil is composed by the velocities \(v_0=0\), \(v_1=1\) and \(v_2=-1\) numbered by \([0,1,2]\).

Stencil informations
     * spatial dimension: 1
     * maximal velocity in each direction: [1]
     * minimal velocity in each direction: [-1]
     * Informations for each elementary stencil:
            stencil 0
             - number of velocities:  3
             - velocities: (0: 0), (1: 1), (2: -1),

The domain

In order to build the domain of the simulation, the dictionary should contain the space step \(\dx\) and the stencils of the velocities (one for each scheme).

We construct a domain with \(N=10\) points in space.

Domain informations
     spatial dimension: 1
     space step: dx= 1.000e-01

The scheme

In pyLBM, a simulation can be performed by using several coupled schemes. In this example, a single scheme is used and defined through a list of one single dictionary. This dictionary should contain:

  • ‘velocities’: a list of the velocities
  • ‘conserved_moments’: a list of the conserved moments as sympy variables
  • ‘polynomials’: a list of the polynomials that define the moments
  • ‘equilibrium’: a list of the equilibrium value of all the moments
  • ‘relaxation_parameters’: a list of the relaxation parameters (\(0\) for the conserved moments)
  • ‘init’: a dictionary to initialize the conserved moments

(see the documentation for more details)

The scheme velocity could be taken to \(1/\dx\) and the inital value of \(u\) to

\[u(t=0,x) = \sin(\pi x).\]
[0] WARNING  pyLBM.scheme in function __init__ line 229
The value 'space_step' is not given or wrong.
The scheme takes default value: dx = 1.
WARNING:pyLBM.scheme:The value 'space_step' is not given or wrong.
The scheme takes default value: dx = 1.
Scheme informations
     spatial dimension: dim=1
     number of schemes: nscheme=1
     number of velocities:
     velocities value:
    v[0]=(0: 0), (1: 1), (2: -1),
    P[0]=Matrix([[1], [X], [X**2/2]])
    EQ[0]=Matrix([[u], [0.0], [0.5*u]])
     relaxation parameters:
    s[0]=[0.0, 0.6666666666666666, 1.0]
     moments matrices
M = [Matrix([
[1,   1,   1],
[0,   1,  -1],
[0, 1/2, 1/2]])]
invM = [Matrix([
[1,    0, -2],
[0,  1/2,  1],
[0, -1/2,  1]])]

The simulation

A simulation is built by defining a correct dictionary.

We combine the previous dictionaries to build a simulation. In order to impose the homogeneous Dirichlet conditions in \(x=0\) and \(x=1\), the dictionary should contain the key ‘boundary_conditions’ (we use pyLBM.bc.Anti_bounce_back function).

Simulation informations:
Domain informations
     spatial dimension: 1
     space step: dx= 1.000e-01
Scheme informations
     spatial dimension: dim=1
     number of schemes: nscheme=1
     number of velocities:
     velocities value:
    v[0]=(0: 0), (1: 1), (2: -1),
    P[0]=Matrix([[1], [X], [X**2/2]])
    EQ[0]=Matrix([[u], [0.0], [0.5*u]])
     relaxation parameters:
    s[0]=[0.0, 0.6666666666666666, 1.0]
     moments matrices
M = [Matrix([
[1,   1,   1],
[0,   1,  -1],
[0, 1/2, 1/2]])]
invM = [Matrix([
[1,    0, -2],
[0,  1/2,  1],
[0, -1/2,  1]])]

Run a simulation

Once the simulation is initialized, one time step can be performed by using the function one_time_step.

We compute the solution of the heat equation at \(t=0.1\). And, on the same graphic, we plot the initial condition, the exact solution and the numerical solution.
